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New Year vs Old Year - Top 5 Changes

ranking review imagination
Written on December 31, 2022

So we are once again ready to welcome another addition to the long series of numbers representing the footsteps of history.

At the end of each stride, history beckons the riders (us) to look back and cherish upon the precious, invaluable, irritable and forgettable memories we made along the 730 days and nights. After looking back, I must say, these are the Top 5 changes between the New year and the Old year.

1. Calendar

A valuable and useful tool to keep track of our daily life, calendars have become an inseperable part of human routine. From marking national holidays to using them as writing pads and notebook covers, paper calendars have been an excellent utility for frugal survival as a budding school student. Working adults, however, are more used to mundane and boring, but functional calendars sponsored by MNCs. Atleast before 28 years pass in our lifetime, we can safely experience a fresh calendar every year. In five years, this will not count as a change anymore! (For me)

2. Prices

Taxes and inflation are soaring to an all time high. Dollar to rupee is steadily surfing down the cliff. As such, the prices we pay will not be the same every year. While the salary is sailing through the tranquil sea as years pass, an average person’s expense might have been already demolished by the increased pricing. Food quality, quantity and pricing will continue to move forward in their own seperate ways. Subscription services will continue to pitch a premium to acquire their available services for a limited period of time. Get ready to experience another whirlwind across the sea of Indian economy.

3. Age

Waking up, looking at the mirror, only to find that you seem older than yesterday. Hours of work staring at the computer screens had forced your eyeballs to dig a trench inside the skull - leaving traces of it’s painful reclusive lifestyle. Whitewashing will no longer relate to cricket once you spot the lurkers in your head. Stress, dandruff, hair breakage, dry hair, pollution, or whatever that’s being told in shampoo advertisments - it’s undeniable that either the hairline or the count will be subject to change every year, either in a minor or a major way, which might have a noticeable effect or just an indifferent reaction. Being one of the major factors to decide how weddings proceed, it shows how much of a major impact this has on the progression of humanity.

4. Technology

An obvious point, but being an average human of the human society who is engrossed in laptops/smart phones, the scope in which I consider the technological evolution is rather limited. Camera, displays, batteries, charging, processors, graphic cards, frame rates, refresh rates, etc., any one of those specifics is definitely supposed to change, giving birth to the next ‘generation’. The one great generational leap happened in 2021, with the introduction and deployment of 5G networking. The approaching NEW year is expected to further introduce and deploy 5G. Compared to hardware, software has been going through leaps and bounds of growth, thanks to the ever growing and depleting IT workforce, who started to listen to free customer input after running out of innovation and employment in their offices. As AI continues to learn with the help of internet and tinkering of engineers, it is steadily progressing towards depleting various workforces, multiple steps in a short space of time.

5. Memory

If you are someone who can remember some unknown random event that happened years ago, the first step in forgetting them begins at the onset of the new year. The brain’s memory component does a ‘sfc/scannow’ sort of a job (Mac users can’t relate), clearing out bad and corrupt sectors(memories?) so that the hard disk(brain?) functions smoothly. Guaranteed this does not exactly happen on Jan 1 12am, but rather progressively along the year. The difference of memory between the start of the year and end of the year will be staggering. (Unless you are a High-IQ genius). Unfortunately, humans can’t do complete ‘disk wiping’ of their brains (atleast according to fiction/sci-fi). Any reference made to the forgotten irrelevant/unpleasant memory might trigger the ‘data recovery’ software.

And that’s it for the top 5 changes (entirely my personal random opinions). And as a honourable mention, let’s look at the top unchanged things between Old year and New year.


The desire to write regularly to this blog!