Five pigeons in a fine noon
“One peek to your right and you’re out!”, claimed Pigeon A as it stepped forward on the narrow path.
Pigeon B joined the conversation. “One peek to your left and you’re out!”, it added another rule to the unexpected game of life or death. “One peek to your back and you both are out!”, Pigeon C said authoritatively, as it “dove” towards the concrete terrace.
“Hey Pigeon E, I think we shouldn’t be entertaining the fantasies of these fools. Let’s just walk towards the other side and fly to that nice-looking tree.” Pigeon D’s little advice seemed to go over the beak of E.
It came with a retort: “So you say, and yet you look diagonally between their back and their left. it’s as if you are consciously obeying their ridiculous rules!”
Pigeon D was Dumbstruck. Obviously it didn’t Expect the stunning reply from it’s feather-pal. It decided to dig some history between them to build the base for it’s breathtaking comeback.
“Come on E, you have always said that rules doesn’t matter as long as they are not acknowledged by the rule makers, and yet you considered C’s rant before it became the runaway bird. Technically, the rule makers were A and B, and they haven’t shown any signs of acknowledging C!”
After finishing it’s take on the matter, D grinned. Having attacked the core of E’s retort with it’s own principle, D was Dreaming of a complete surrender from E.
“Now,now D, did you really use one of my ridiculously thought out ideas? Atleast I expected you to use it to it’s full effect”, E smiled. It was Enough to send shivers up the spine of D.
E continued. “Listen carefully, D. Did I mention anywhere that A and B were the rulemakers?”.
“No…”, D replied, the warm afternoon wind ruffling it’s feathers and chilling it to the bone.
E replied, steadying it’s posture as the speed of the wind increased: “You should have realized that there were, indeed no rulemakers at all during this entire period. A, B and even C are looking at us at this moment, which is clearly violating the rules mentioned by them. And yet, they are not panicking. Why, do you ask?”
D gulped, the seeds in it’s stomach causing an uneasy feeling. It asked: “Why?”
E came close to D’s beak, and said: “Do you see that human over there, on your behind?”
“Y-y-yeah, what’s about him, i-i-is he going to throw a s-s-stone or wh-what?”, D shivered.
“It’s very simple.”, E smiled. “He was photographing us, a moment ago. A and B decided to pose weirdly. Stupid you looked away from that guy and missed all the fiasco.”
D was left speechless. E patted on D’s back, and said: “He was the alleged rule maker, for your freakout session today”.